The European Effort for Regenerative Medicine
NSC-Reconstruct is one of the 14 projects awarded in the European Union competitive call for proposals "Regenerative medicine: from new insights to new applications" (ID: SC1-BHC-07-2019) under the current framework program for research of the European Union, Horizon2020.
Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private investment that this money has been able to attract. It brings more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market.
The aim of the call "Regenerative Medicine" is to reconcile better health and healthy ageing with the need to develop sustainable health and care systems and growth opportunities for the health and care related industries. The scope of the call ranges from prevention, diagnosis, the development of novel and repurposed therapeutic approaches, including medical technologies and advanced therapies, cohorts and registries-based research, to integration of care and systemic digital solutions for health and ageing well.
It aims to transfor new knowledge into innovative applications and accelerate large-scale uptake and deployment in different health and care settings, making health and care systems and services more accessible, responsive and efficient in Europe and beyond.